Policies for Washington ACDA
General Policies
What does my registration include? If you registered before 7.1 your meals are included. Those who registered are not guaranteed meal service. Thank you for understanding.
Three Day: Access to reading session materials*; all of the below meals
Wednesday: Access to reading session materials *, lunch, Salmon BBQ dinner
Thursday: Access to reading session materials *, lunch
Friday: Access to reading session materials *

Do I need a computer or tablet?
Yes, we recommend attendees have a tablet or other device to view music easily through the JW Pepper web page or their new and improved app. Paper Booklets are an additional cost.

Will there be Wi-fi access?
Yes, Wi-fi will be available on site. But downloading the packets before SI is ideal.
WIFI on campus: Internet is available to all guests. No password is needed. Network name is PSGuestAccess

Dorm Information --
What do I need to bring to the dorm room?
Provided by UPS Conference services: a fitted sheet, regular sheet, blanket, pillow w/case, and towels
If you want to bring your own bedding, it is an extra-long twin bed
Bring your own personal toiletries including hand soap. Paper products and pillows are standard in the room. Rooms have access to a kitchenette for refrigeration or incidental heating of meals. Rooms are individual with a locking door, but shared living and shower/bathroom access.

Service hours in Wheelock Dining hall
7-9am Breakfast. There is a large youth program also on campus. They eat @8:30am * our ideal times would be 8am or 7am.
11am-2pm lunch service available
4:30-6:30 dinner service available
Ludus Refund Policy
Refunds and exchanges are at the discretion of the event organizer (Washington ACDA). All Ludus convenience fees are non-refundable.